Downloadable Files

H-1B Prevailing Wage Claims vs. Reality:
What They Say, Versus What They Pay

By Robert Hill, CUNY, Murphy Institute for Worker Education

Downloadable Files

Downloadable package, including the original .mdb file and the derived .xlsx Excel files. Package is large and takes a while to download. (right-mouse click to ”save target as”)

Final draft of the paper available for download: 

Excel files available for download: (right-mouse click to “save target as”)

Raw data available for download: (right-mouse click to “save target as”)

[Introduction] [History] [LCA  / H-1B Process] [For And Against] [Previous Research] [The iCert System] [Methodology (text)] [Methodology (videos)] [Results] [Discussion] [Conclusions] [Downloadable Files] [External Links]

© 2011, Robert Hill,